Egypt: Thousands of Christians Gather to Pray for Equality in Egypt
Egypt: Thousands of Christians Gather to Pray for Equality in Egypt — “Around 7,000 Coptic Christians gathered at the Father Kyrillos church on the outskirts…
Egypt: Thousands of Christians Gather to Pray for Equality in Egypt — “Around 7,000 Coptic Christians gathered at the Father Kyrillos church on the outskirts…
A Book Burner for UNESCO? — regarding Egypt’s Farouk Hosni — Washington Post: “The most strenuous objections to Hosni’s bid have been charges of anti-Semitism…
AINA: “Church Firebombed in Egypt After Opposition From Muslim Neighbor”
Chechnya Wins Right to Open Offices in Europe — Moscow Times reports: “Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov raised questions about his foreign policy ambitions earlier in…
China Support Network (CSN) Announces: “CSN to host RAZY press conference” — CSN web site — CSN blog — See also Media alerted about upcoming…
Human Rights Watch suspends researcher who collected Nazi memorabilia — Marc Garlasco
Nigeria: Bishops say Nigeria’s inaction led to deaths during Islamic uprising — “The Boko Haram sect opposes Western education and insists on the imposition of…
Malaysia sentences another to caning under Shariah law for drinking alcohol — Nazarudin Kamaruddin — Amnesty International reports on Malaysia’s “Shariah law” — “Amnesty International…
Virginia: Neo-Nazi William White to stay in jail for now, judge orders psychiatric hearing — WDBJ7 reports: “A federal judge in Roanoke wants a local…
Seattle synagogues defaced with swastikas — JTA reports: — “Unknown vandals painted red swastikas on two Seattle-area synagogues.” — “The swastikas and the phrase ‘4th…