Communist China: A Homeless Man’s Organs Harvested and His Body Abandoned
Communist China: A Homeless Man’s Organs Harvested and His Body Abandoned — “News blocked by Chinese officials”
Communist China: A Homeless Man’s Organs Harvested and His Body Abandoned — “News blocked by Chinese officials”
Communist China: Journalist Defector Tells of Abuse and Corruption in China — Epoch Times reports: “Says that many are renouncing the Chinese Communist Party because…
U.S. Congressmen Defend the Right to Religious Freedom in China
Somali Islamists Chop Off Thieves’ Hands as Sharia Law Takes Hold — VOA reports: “Radical Somali Islamist group al-Shabab chopped off the right hands of…
(Pakistan) ‘Fear of violence used to exclude women from public sphere’
(Indonesia) Students demand harsher sharia law implementation — Jakarta Post: “The sharia law will be more strict if jinayat is implemented in Aceh. Article 37…
Egypt: Ramadan Arrests in Egypt Called Unconstitutional
Arizona: 3 Arrests Made in Racist Vandalism — also another report — Expert: Hate groups, hate crimes on the rise in Arizona
California: Moraga ‘KKK’ cross investigated as hate crime
New York: Montebello man, 18, wearing KKK, Nazi shirt charged with shooting Hispanic teen