St. Louis: Nazis on the march
(U.S.) St. Louis: Nazi rally draws verbal protests and one arrest — “The National Socialist Movement and over 150 counterdemonstrators squared off Saturday in an…
(U.S.) St. Louis: Nazi rally draws verbal protests and one arrest — “The National Socialist Movement and over 150 counterdemonstrators squared off Saturday in an…
(U.S.) Idaho: AP – Neo-Nazi Aryan Nations recruiting again in northern Idaho — “The fliers show a young girl asking her father ‘Why did those…
(Poland) Notorious SS unit ‘traced’
Tennessee: Updated News Reports on Court Proceedings Against Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman in Terrorist Plot Against Obama and Black Americans — Daniel Cowart allegedly…
Germany Has Sights on Several Alleged Nazi War Criminals
(U.S.) Demjanjuk deportation ruling upheld — “Alleged Nazi death-camp guard to stand trial in Germany; Dutch Jews strive to testify in case.” — “The ruling…
French Holocaust memorial defaced with swastikas
(Czech Republic) Neo-Nazis brutally stab 19-year-old male
(UK) Taking the BNP seriously: Simplistic condemnation is not enough (UK) British National Party Bans Skinhead Moonstomp — BNP hides its skinheads to…
Esam Omeish is running for Virginia’s 35th District House of Delegate office — Virginia Primary election scheduled June 9. See Omeish’s web site for upcoming…