To people of faith, in difficult times, let us not forget the power of prayer.
Let us resolve to provide more examples of our public faith, for all of us, young and old, men and women, different races, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Falun Gong, and others – together – UNIFIED. UNITED – the forces of evil will not defeat us.
Responsible for Equality And Liberty
Send us your images of prayer together, defying hate, defying violence, and defying the forces that seek to divide us and set us upon each other – help show the world the power of your faith and conscience – send photos to

The Power of Faith and Prayer – Images from events
(Top – left to right – R.E.A.L.’s Jeffrey Imm at Confederate Memorial of Robert E. Lee urging White Supremacists to end hate, U.S. Capitol prayers in remembrance of the Holocaust, prayers at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, prayers in fighting the human rights atrocity of Alzheimer’s Disease)
(Middle – left to right: Prayers at the White House for Persecuted Egyptian Coptic Christians, meditation by Falun Dafa practitioners at Washington Memorial, center photo Prayers on April 4, remembering the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Lincoln Memorial, meditation by Falun Gong faithful)
(Bottom – left to right – Interfaith prayers at U.S. Pentagon chapel, prayers to free the Chinese people on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre, prayers at the Lincoln Memorial for Darfur, and for equality and liberty for all by Interfaith Christians, Muslims, and Jewish people, and interfaith prayer at Freedom Plaza praying to end the burden of hate and the end to white supremacist violence by Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist believers.)